meticulous attention to detail

  • Wash

    All wash packages at Wax N Stuff Start the exact same. Whether you’re looking for a weekly maintenance wash or a full exterior detail package, each vehicle is cared the same way. Let Wax N Stuff take the wash out of your hands and make you feel like you’re driving a brand new vehicle again.

  • Protect

    Interiors of your vehicle become smelly and sticky over time. Wax N Stuff is equipped with the best products, tools and skills to get your vehicles interior looking and smelling brand new again.

Contact us

Every vehicle that comes into our shop is treated like a work of art. Each detail starts with a thorough inspection to determine your projects specific needs. We have packages for all budgets and vehicles - contact us for more information.
(519) 572-7837

300 Trillium Dr, Unit 7
Kitchener, On